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The Law Offices of Williams & Williams PLC - Personal Injury, Family Law and Criminal Defense Lawyer - Shreveport, Louisiana

Property Division

Northern Louisiana and Upper East Texas Community Property Division Attorneys – Free Consultation And Lower Fees

Disputes over the division of marital or community property are frequently one of the most contentious parts of a divorce. Couples often find themselves engaging in bitter disagreements over important family heirlooms or valuable assets such as retirement accounts. There are strict laws concerning the judicial division of marital or community property in Louisiana. Do not make any decisions before you speak to The Law Offices of Williams & Williams PLC. Our property division attorney, David S. Williams, has 30 years of experience helping families just like yours resolve these complex disputes. You will always speak or meet with an attorney concerning your case.

Take Action To Protect Your Assets

Many couples make poor decisions when dividing their marital or community property and are surprised to learn that they are unable to make changes to these agreements at a later point in time. We help you understand the challenging decisions that you need to make to ensure that you protect your property at this important stage in your divorce.

We help with a number of different issues connected to property division, including:

  • The status of certain items to determine if they should be considered community property
  • The value of assets such as the marital home, businesses or 401(k) accounts that need to be divided between the spouses
  • The division of retirement assets, including benefits unique to military families
  • Community property division agreements
  • If necessary, filing for a judicial division/partition of community property

Because your case is unique, you need to create a solution that allows you to achieve your specific goals. Failing to understand the consequences of your property division decisions could result in severe hardships once your divorce has been finalized. You do not want to find yourself unable to move forward because of the decisions you made at this time.

Work With A Lawyer Committed To Helping Your Family Succeed

If you have questions about your divorce, you need to speak to an experienced property division attorney. Call Louisiana: (318) 798-5559 | Texas: (903) 246-9898 or send us an email to schedule a free consultation at our offices in Northern Louisiana and Upper East Texas. At our firm, you will always meet or confer with an attorney concerning your case. We offer affordable flat fees and payment plans.

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